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16 September 2017

Feminism Sucks! – Liberty Rocks!

By Sam Frescoe
#SamFrescoe #feminism #feminist

On 12 Sep 2017, a group of Duke University feminists took it upon themselves to cry foul because they were systemically oppressed by the existence of all things masculine. – I just can’t make this up. Right now, in 21st century America, at a major university, there is a group of children disguised as adults that believe they are being systematically oppressed by the existence of all things they deem masculine. That’s right; there is an entire segment of the American population that claims griever status because masculinity is inherently evil. – My God, do their fathers know?!

I must admit, that while at university it DID cross my mind that chemistry, calculus, and ancient English literature were oppressive; but, it NEVER crossed my mind to feel upset because of the mere existence of another person. – Dear God in Heaven, these so-called-champions of righteousness have their heads shoved so far up their backsides that they can see daylight in the dark of night.

Dear college feminists: Even though you are formally educated you still lack intelligence. The belief that you are oppressed because the natural delineation of manly and womanly nature (which has existed for thousands of years and to your benefit…you are alive today) is inherently corrupt. – You must be nucking futs crazy.

Here We Go Again

The Women’s Center at Duke University claims that they initiated the Duke Men’s Project as a way to call men into conversations about feminism and gender oppression. While reviewing their published materials, I made a number of observations that seem noteworthy. If you wish to read about the Center or its Project, then there are links listed immediately after this article.

Their Claims – My Translations

CLAIM: The Duke Men’s Project is an initiative to call men in to conversations about feminism and gender oppression. To this end, the Project offers two options: 1) a nine-week Learning Community to unpack expressions of masculinity through a feminist lens; 2) larger talks for all genders to engage in conversations linked to masculinity, male privilege, pornography, rape culture, male privilege, men taking up space, and emotional labor.[1] 

TRANSLATION: The Duke Men’s Project is about reinforcing the fallacy that men (collectively) are responsible for social, political, and economic violence inflicted on women (et al). The intent of the Women’s Center is to demonize all men.

CLAIM: Men doing gender equity work operate with a very specific set of privileges. Such men have a dual role as they are equipped with knowledge and perspective to be able to engage in: 1) gender equity work; 2) activism in a constructive way that acknowledges their privilege. The  Duke Men’s Project is a space that remains accountable to the great work women and non-male-identified activists and thinkers; and honors and respects the legacy and scholarship that men doing this work invariably benefit from that work. [2]

TRANSLATION: Men promoting third-wave feminism are granted special status by feminists after they forfeit whatever those feminists deemed inappropriately masculine. This requires men to voluntarily: 1) accept feminists as morally righteous persons; 2) subordinate their beliefs to the feminist world view; 3) advocate the idea that being masculine is inherently bad/immoral/viscous.

CLAIM: The Duke Men's Project is an initiative sponsored by the Duke Women's Center to increase male allyship in gender equity and gender violence prevention. [3] The Center claims to promote a campus culture that ensures the full participation and agency of women students at Duke. [4] The Center believes in systemic, patriarchal oppression.[5] The Center seeks to promote social justice, Womanist and feminist values, community activism, cultural-shifting, and collective action.[6]

TRANSLATION: The Duke Women's Center is socially and politically weak. Thus, the Center must have the allegiance of men to bolster their presence on the Duke campus. The cost of entry into this arrangement is to be subordinate feminist masters. Additionally, even thought the Center is sanctioned of Duke University and enjoys its protection,[7] the Center demonizes the University by declaring a general state of systemic, patriarchal oppression on the campus. – To bite the hand that feeds you is stupid.

In my view, the Duke Women’s Center is motivated by the desire to secure social-political legitimacy and power in order to exercise their intent to: 1) expand, augment, and control all things and ideas deemed feminine; 2) diminish, deny, or destroy all things and ideas deemed masculine. – Simply stated, the Center is motivated by emotions (rivalry, envy, jealousy, revenge, pride) in a demand for recognition.

In my view, the Duke Women’s Center, through the Duke Men's Project, seeks to demonize any person deemed unacceptably masculine under the guise of compassion and empathy. The Center wants you to believe that the actions of some (individual men that commit crimes against women) warrant the condemnation of all that is masculine (an entire collection of groups, ideas, and views). Those that advocate, support, or condone such a stance seek to appeal to prejudice (sex/gender) in order to adversely stereotype those that dissent from their views. – By definition, this is discrimination [8] and is unjust.

In this case, those responsible for the existence of feminist sexism at Duke include at least the following: the Duke University administration; the Duke VP of Student Affairs; the Men’s Engagement Intern (a Duke-paid employee); those involved with hiring the Intern; those associated with the Duke Women’s Center; volunteering male-identified students; and those that ignore, condone, excuse, deny, or encourage such behavior.

Back to Reality – Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid

False Flag – The Center wants you to believe that because there are men (individuals) that do commit acts of brutal force against women (individuals), that all men (collectively) are inherently oppressive to all women (collectively). Thus, all men are to be feared. Therefore, all women are in need of a “rescuer” (Duke Women’s Center) against oppression brought forth by the existence of men. This view is further reinforced by psychological manipulation (Duke Men’s Project) in order to further public compliance. Therefore, the Duke Women’s Center presents a “false flag” when it claims femininity is oppressed by masculinity because specific individuals demonstrated criminal behavior.

Authority – The acceptance of the Duke Women’s Center by Duke University is significant. Due to the fact that the University has a local monopoly over the determination of justice, the Center is bolstered as a legitimate agency within the university social fabric.

The Dilemma of Anti-Discrimination – The Duke Women’s Center envisions that inequality of human kind can be corrected through equal outcomes, to include feelings. However, because people are inherently different, their performance and choices and feelings are also different. Therefore, reality does not match vision. Disregarding the fact that there is no society in which this reality is false, the Center seeks to restructure Duke University by introducing “victims” while denouncing dissent as examples of oppression. At this point, intent trumps merit. In turn, messaging promotes claims of privilege, safe spaces, systemic patriarchy, and variations of political correctness.

False Liberalism – To characterize the actions and attitudes of the Duke Women’s Center as liberal would be to promote a falsehood. The ends of liberalism are life and property, and its means are liberty and toleration. Clearly, the Duke Women’s Center is not interested in either liberty or toleration, and quite willing to permit the subjugation of others, though it may be voluntary.

Morality – If you are willing to do demonize men for being masculine, then why aren’t you willing to be demonized as women for being feminine?

Logical Fallacies – Just because an individual could do something, does NOT mean that a similar collective actually did that something. – The conclusion of the Center that masculinity is bad/immoral/viscous does not necessarily follow from the fact that individual men behaved badly/immorally/viscously.

Political Calculus – Concerning the political economy of Duke University, the Duke Women’s Center believes that aggravating secondary effects (resentment of masculinity) is more profitable than reducing primary concerns (criminal behavior perpetrated by anyone).

Taken together, the Duke Women’s Center, an institution, and Duke University, an institution, sanction and promote doctrines and strategies that arbitrarily devalue men (collectively) on the basis of perceived masculinity. This activity is: 1) done openly and with the full knowledge and consent of Center leadership and University authority; 2) done outside the merits and behaviors of those individuals being discriminated against. Therefore, the Duke Women’s Center and Duke University are engaged in sexism.

Shoe on the Other Foot

Still don’t believe me…perhaps repurposing feminist messaging with a male/masculine voice can help. [9]

Women’s Project

The Women’s Project is an initiative to call women into conversations about masculinism and gender oppression. It aims to create a space of sisterhood and fellowship dedicated to interrogating female privilege and matriarchy as it exists in our lives, our community, and our society. Our intention is to rework current narratives of femininity for a healthier alternative; one that is inclusive, equitable and positive. There is a misinformed narrative that gender equity and masculinism hurts women, but through conversations on the limits of femininity and healthy alternatives we demonstrate that women have much to gain.

The Women’s Project facilitates a nine-week Learning Community, where a group of 15 female persons unpack expressions of femininity through a masculinist lens. The Learning Community discusses femininity while understanding how it exists under multiple spheres of oppression (like matriarchy, traditional marriage, the nuclear family, emotional self-control, personal responsibility, and divorce culture). We also hold larger talks and discussions for all genders to engage with conversations that are linked to femininity and female privilege. Past events have focused on promiscuity and divorce culture, female privilege, women taking up space, and gender disparities in the ability to do physical labor.

Women doing gender equity work operate with a very specific set of privileges, often referred to as the “glass elevator” effect. Thus, the Women’s Project is a space that remains accountable to the great work men and non-female-identified activists and thinkers have been doing for decades. Our space is one that honors and respects the legacy and scholarship that women doing this work invariably benefit from the work done. Such a beneficiary is permitted a dual role: 1) to equip women with the knowledge and perspective to be able to engage in gender equity work; 2) to engage in activism that constructively acknowledges female privilege.

The Women's Project is an initiative sponsored by the Men's Center to increase female allyship in gender equity and gender violence prevention.

Bottom Line

Dear Feminists: You cannot lift women up to new levels by tearing men down to your depths. You, and the men and women around you, are the beneficiaries of those Americans that addressed women’s suffrage, voting rights, and civil liberties long before you were a good idea. In doing so, they did what they did, fought as they fought, and died as they died so that everyone could benefit in ways that they could never have foreseen. – It’s time to count your blessings, embrace the goodness of human nature, and attend to the privilege of higher learning.

© 2017 – – All Rights Reserved


Sexism – The Duke Women’s Center, and the Duke Men’s Project, promote sexism.
  • -       Fact: The Duke Women’s Center perceives sex/gender classification as masculine and feminine.
  • -       Fact: The Duke Women’s Center perceives sex/gender stratification as “that which is masculine” to be inherently inferior to “that which is feminine.”
  • -       Fact: The Duke Women’s Center promotes policies, principles, and guidelines (doctrine) that prescribe sex/gender classification and stratification.
  • -       Fact: The Duke Women’s Center is engaged in plans, approaches, and schemes (strategy) that prescribe sex/gender classification and stratification.
  • -       Motive: The Duke Women’s Center believes that masculinity oppresses femininity. The Center feels the perceived oppression to be real and manifest in a systemic patriarchy. Therefore, the oppression of the first compels action against the second.
  • -       Intent: The Duke Women’s Center aims to convince men to voluntarily limit, subjugate, or abandon their masculinity in exchange for the benefit of being redeemed in the eyes of the Center.
  • -       Institutionalization: The Duke Women’s Center is an administration sponsored and recognized agency that dedicates resources to realize its motive according to its intent.
  • -       Normalization: Because Duke University accepts the Duke Women’s Center as a means of enhancing the “intellectual, social, cultural and physical development of students” in order for students to “demonstrate personal and social responsibility,”  the Duke Women’s Center enjoys a normalized relationship with the campus authority.

[1] Duke Men's Project. (accessed 170914)
[2] Duke Men's Project. (accessed 170914)
[3] Duke Men's Project. (accessed 170914)
[4] About Us | Student Affairs. (accessed 170914)
[5] Duke Men's Project. (accessed 170914)
[6] About Us | Student Affairs. (accessed 170914)
[7] About Us | Student Affairs. (accessed 170914)
[9] Duke Men's Project. (accessed 170914) 

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