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02 December 2016

Personal Responsibility is an American Absolute

By Sam Frescoe
The Sam Frescoe Project

#personalresponsibility #Lifestyle #socialjustice #justice #prudent #freedom #respect

There is a significant shortfall of personal responsibility in America today. It was once permitted by exception, but now it is promoted as a lifestyle; and, with the decline of personal-responsibility there is a rise of collective-responsibility. In other words, over the past several years social-justice and collective-justice have taken center stage. I would go so far as to say that the actions of some, because of their group affiliation, are ignored, condoned, excused, denied, or encouraged without a second glance.

Think about it. Consider the list below while reflecting on the evening news. I’m willing to bet you can overload the comments section with example after example.
·         Special rights for protected classes are favored over Checks and Balances
·         Feelings of judgement are put before finding of facts
·         Centralized permitting, promotion, or prevention of something versus laissez-faire
·         Collective conformance is favored above respecting individual choices
·         Humility is declining while supremacy is rising

“So What?”

I offer this post to you for one reason. To show you that regardless of timing or circumstance, natural or artificial, personal responsibility is defining to individual Americans and inherently valuable to the American Way of Life.

If you are responsible for nothing, then you can get away with anything.
If you can get away with anything, then what is the meaning in what are doing?
If what you are doing has no meaning, then what is your purpose? – Ravi Zacharias

“Personal responsibility begins from the inside and moves outward. We must begin by taking responsibility for our thoughts, choices, and reactions. Then we can be responsible for the circumstances we create in our world.” – 12 Reflections on Personal Responsibility [1]

Personal Responsibility is Unavoidable

What is personal responsibility? “Personal responsibility is the willingness to both accept the importance of standards that society establishes for individual behavior and to make strenuous personal efforts to live by those standards.”

From this definition, it’s clear that personal responsibility is a choice, not a circumstance; it’s learned, not bestowed; it’s a duty, not an option; it’s inwardly personal, and outwardly impactful; it’s ever-present regardless of surroundings. Because the nature of personal responsibility is sweeping and non-transferrable, it is also unavoidable and must be addressed.

Personal Responsibility is Just and Prudent

Everyone is singularly responsible for their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Because these things originate an individual, they are accountable to that individual. For justice to be defined, proportional, relevant, and meaningful, this truth must be recognized.

No one has the right to do what is wrong. The foundation of judgement requires the existence of absolutes that don’t require the taking of something, or giving of something, to know and secure. Some examples include the right to live, to make choices, and to own your body. Personal responsibility ensures the inherent value of these natural rights endures regardless of time and circumstance.

Personal Responsibility is Freedom Loving and Respectful

Personal responsibility informs us about freedom, ownership, and accordance of the same to others. Personal responsibility is both liberating and self-regulating.

Secular Argument – I own my body. I own the property that my body produces. I own the ideas that my body produces. I own what I produce from the sweat of my own brow. I own the thoughts that I express. I own the property and wealth that I accumulate. If this is true of a free person, then it must be true of me and you.

Faith Argument – We were created in the image and likeness of an all knowing, all loving, all powerful God who is perfectly free. Because we are made in His image and likeness; therefore, I we perfectly free. If this is true of a free person, then it must be true of me and you.

Personal Responsibility is All American

Because America was founded on an exceptional idea, America is an exceptional nation. Simply stated, that idea is that every citizen is of value. For this idea to hold true and transcend the generations, personal responsibility is mandatory. For without it, a citizen would not possess human value; and, as a result, neither would their thoughts, desires, deeds, or the tangible results thereof.

“For the accomplishment of this great purpose, the exertions of no one citizen are unimportant. Let no one, therefore harbour, for a moment, the mean idea, that he is and can be of no value to his country…” – James Wilson, cosigner of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States

Going Forward – A Solution

The American Way of Life requires Americans that fully and proudly embrace personal responsibility. Personal responsibility cannot be avoided, but it can be mastered. One way or another, regardless of our collective differences, whether we like it or not, each of us is individually accountable for our interactions with others and the world around us.

Thank you. – Sam Frescoe

Your View

Your thoughts and perspectives are important. I invite you to tell me what you believe with the comment section below or at Please check out The Sam Frescoe Project on Facebook.


My Personal Responsibility

While growing up in an American household, personal responsibility was expected and enforced. My parents were accountable for teaching me. I was held accountable for learning. As a result, the responsibility I had to myself and others was clear and well understood. Now that the roles are reversed, it is my duty to teach my children. In this way, personal responsibility continues to be handed down to future generations.

“We have the divine gift of free will.
Conscious choice is a gift that carries great responsibility.”

Why is personal responsibility so important? Simply stated, personal responsibility is important because you, and only you, can make decisions for yourself. Every choice you make can benefit or harm yourself and others. Even avoiding decisions is a choice. In this way, personal responsibility, at least in part, defines us as human beings and individual Americans

How is personal responsibility manifested in day-to-day living? To avoid specific examples, and the potentially endless caveats to each, I am going to offer what works for me. For me, personal responsibility in action boils down to only two rules. For any given decision presented to me, I apply these rules and react honorably. If I cannot sufficiently apply these rules, then I am likely getting ahead of myself and need to think before I act.

·         Rule #1: No one has the right to do what is wrong.

·         Rule #2: Everyone is singularly responsible for their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Is there a significant shortfall of personal responsibility in America today?
Regardless of your answer, as for me and my house, the answer is no.


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