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29 August 2017

American Rights – Not LGBT Rights

By Sam Frescoe

Okay, Americans! – Is the Constitution and Bill of Rights authoritative across and within the several States of the United States? Are American rights, Constitutional rights, commonly applicable to all Americans? If either answer is YES, then I invite you to turn your attention to California and Senate Bill 219 (SB-219). Why? Because the State of California is about to trounce your liberty to speak, worship, and associate as you please.

BLUF – Bottom Line Up Front

Enactment of California SB-219 will nullify the Constitutional rights of all Americans located within the State of California. – This article examines SB-219 because I want to show you how this bill, if enacted, will nullify your Constitutional rights; and to explain how such nullification will erode the Constitutional rights of every American.

So What?

Simply stated, if you need, want, or desire to live in, visit, or conduct business in California while expressing your thoughts, honoring your faith, or associating by contract as you please, then defeating C SB-219 is mandatory. More specifically, if SB-219 is enacted, then everyone standing on California soil that is deemed hostile to a segment of the LGBT community will be at risk of a criminal conviction, a $1,000 fine, and one year in prison.[1] – In other words, if you value Constitutional rights, then the possible passage of SB-219 is a clear and present threat that must be defeated.

What is CA SB-219?

On its face, SB-219 is a bill concerning issues regarding “Long-term care facilities: rights of residents.” Within the bill there is language that indicates the same and specifically limits the reach of the bill to long-term care facilities, nursing homes, etc. Additionally, on 6 April 2017, the California Senate Judiciary Committee reviewing the proposed legislation and recorded minutes saying that “this bill would create additional privacy protections for all long-term care facility residents…by focusing on the needs of a particularly vulnerable community.”[2] Unfortunately, all of this is a smoke screen designed to cloak this bill in false virtue.

A quick read of the bill quickly reveals this legislation for what it actually is: an instrument of coercive activism. – The judicial reviews published by the California Senate and Assembly clearly demonstrate the intentions and motivations of the bill’s sponsor and its supporters.

“The purpose of this act is to accelerate the process of freeing LGBT residents and patients from discrimination.”[3] – Translation: SB-219 is a legislative instrument in direct support of highly-specialized social activists.

“This bill makes a number of legislative findings and declarations related to the vulnerability of California’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) seniors and the risks they face because of this.”[4] – Translation: LGBT persons are too weak to stand up for themselves because they are LGBT persons.

“This bill would make a Legislative finding: those LGBT seniors have a heightened need for care, but often lack the family support networks available to non-LGBT seniors.”[5] – Translation: The government wants you to believe that the State must provide for the care of LGBT persons because they might “lack family support.”

“This bill would make it unlawful, except as provided, for a long term care facility or facility staff to take any of the following actions wholly or partially on the basis of a SB 219 person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or HIV status.” [6] – Translation: Regardless of conscience, if you own/operate or work at a long-term care facility, then you may not exercise your conscience with LGBT persons.

“Willfully and repeatedly fail to use a resident’s preferred name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns” is unlawful (SB-219, 1439.51). – Translation: Regardless of any other consideration, failing to speak according to the government script with an LGBT person is a criminal act.

This bill is an instrument of coercive activism exclusively beneficial to LGBT persons. Judicial reviews make the following claims:

“…empirical evidence shows that discrimination against LGBT people is a serious problem in California’s long-term care facilities”[7] – Translation: The government wants you to believe that LGBT-discrimination is out of control across the whole of California because 39 testimonies supporting the bill, and the 8 testimonies opposing, represents a balanced presentation of evidence.

“…this bill is supported by a broad coalition of senior, LGBT, labor and civil liberties groups, and government organizations, who are concerned that LGBT individuals and particularly transgender individuals are especially likely to experience discrimination and harassment in long-term care facilities.”[8] – Translation: The government wants you to believe that the supporting the bill is good and virtuous because multiple lobbies (that will directly benefit from enactment of such a law) claim that “discrimination and harassment” might occur.

Regarding California civil rights, Civil Code Section 51, the Unruh Civil Rights Act, “The true scope of protection under the Unruh Act is actually even more broad than these categories because the California Supreme Court has consistently interpreted the Unruh Act in an expansive way, holding that it is meant to cover all arbitrary and intentional discrimination by business establishments.”[9] – Translation: Because the legislature believes California courts will not stop them, the legislature is free to recast existing law for their own purposes regardless of what is actually stated within the law.

The opposition raised concerns about religious liberty. They claimed that the bill did not provide an exemption for religious institutions that provide long-term care.[10] Particular concern was expressed about the rights of those long-term care facilities that are run by religious organizations.[11] The bill’s author, state Sen. Scott Weiner, countered as follows: “Everyone is entitled to their religious view. But when you enter the public space, when you are running an institution, you are in a workplace, you are in a civil setting, and you have to follow the law.”[12] – Translation: The government believes all First Amendment rights are trivial.

The opposition raised concerns about free speech. How can you believe in free speech, but think the government can compel people to use certain pronouns when talking to others?” said Greg Burt of the California Family Council.[13] This concern was addressed by claiming the misuse of names and/or pronouns was a form of discrimination; therefore, unlawful.[14] – Translation: The government believes your First Amendment rights are trivial.

The opposition raised concerns about the just reach of government. A legal expert warned that it is “pretty unlikely that, if this law is enacted, such prohibitions would be limited just to this [nursing home] scenario,” UCLA First Amendment scholar Eugene Volokh. [15] This concern was addressed by stating the bill only pertained to long-term care facilities. – Volokh teaches free speech law, religious freedom law, church-state relations law, and several other areas of law at UCLA School of Law. Additionally, he clerked for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the U.S. Supreme Court and for Judge Alex Kozinski on the Ninth Circuit.[16] – Translation: The government believes it is unbounded.

Going Forward – An American Solution

American Rights are all the rights any American needs. – All American citizens have identical and coequal rights to speak, believe, associate, and contract as they need, want, or desire. If this is false for any citizen (LGBT or otherwise), then the just course of government action is to nullify the hostility of the aggressor; thereby, restoring the just rights of the defender.

The ability to choose the course of your own life according to your justly possessed capacities is a key characteristic of the American Dream. – If a citizen, or community of citizens, needs, wants, or desires their interests to be peaceably acknowledged by others, then according the same peaceable acknowledgement to those others supports the interests of the individual or group and vice-versa. In this way, everyone is free to pursue their preferences as long as that exercise of freedom does not detract from another’s exercise of freedom.

Extend the benefit of doubt – Jerks are everywhere, and nowhere, whether we know it or not. Thus, because we cannot know the “jerk” status of everyone we encounter, this principle is applicable to all human endeavors. If a particular population needs, wants, or desires a just recourse for wrong-doing, then the activation of that recourse must be just as well. Thus, the benefit hedges against precedent that will continue to unjustly harm others.

Sticks and stones – Insults and slights are just that (and nothing more). You are singularly responsible for your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and circumstances that you create. Master your tongue and accord the same to others.

A human being cannot be forced to respect another; they can only be forced into submission in the name of the other. – Regardless of the people-group you incline toward, if you want to be respected as an American citizen and human-being, then it’s incumbent on you to be a respectful American citizen and human-being. Respect cannot be taken; it must be earned by according respect to others.

SB-219 is profoundly un-American and must be stopped.

Your View
Your thoughts and perspectives are important. I invite you to tell me what you believe with the comment section.

© 2017 – – All Rights Reserved

See through the Subterfuge – This is what’s Happening

SB-219 is a textbook case of Regressive Activism (Regressivism).

The regressive political philosophy puts forth the following beliefs: human nature is fluid; there are no absolute standards; anything goes…except claims of the contrary; and government does not have natural limits. – In the SB-219 case, the government wants you to believe the LGBT orientation is normal despite the evidence at hand, that everyone can be suppressed in favor of other considerations, and they have inherent authority to force compliant behavior.

Decide for yourself; is the elective, unique behavior of 3.3% of Californians, and 0.4% of all Americans, normal? – Relative to the Constitution, does this matter?

323.1M persons reside in the USA, overall (2016 US Census)
39.3M persons reside in California, overall (2016 US Census)
1.3M LGBT persons reside in California (The Williams Institute, 2015)

The regressive political philosophy operates according to the following principles: 1) reject founding principles; 2) human inequality is not a foundation for opportunity; 3) equal outcomes hold primacy over all other concerns. – In the SB-2019 case, the government wants to suppress your speech, your religious expression, your choice of association, your choice to contract, and your conscience. The government wants you to believe that the LGBT person must be protected because they are too weak to do it themselves. – The government wants you to believe that because non-LGBT persons could oppress an LGBT person, then that non-LGBT person will oppress an LGBT person. Therefore, non-LGBT persons are inherently evil and aggressive; and LGBT persons are inherently weak and victimized. Therefore, the government must oppress non-LGBT persons in order to bring them down to the level of LGBT persons.

The strategy of the regressive political philosophy is to act in the name of “doing for the greater good.” In other words, the intent of the regressive activist is all that matters. – In the SB-219 case, the intent of the government was made crystal clear.

While the government claims to be acting in an anti-discrimination capacity (a liberating ideal) they are in fact acting in a highly discriminatory manner (an oppressive ideal). – In this case, the government believes that outcomes (feelings) trump opportunities (behavior choices). But, they have a dilemma: their beliefs do not match reality because individual persons naturally make individual choices; thus, a spectrum of outcomes results. Therefore, the government must declare that oppression exists and is a defacto truth. In turn, the government feels justified in compelling a preferred outcome: outlawing the offense, subduing known offenders, and coercing potential offenders into submission. The end result is that government oppresses everyone in the name of those deemed oppressed; and, because those deemed oppressed receive unearned benefit from being “victimized” there is an incentive to create more “oppression” (real or otherwise).

Night Watchmen – Raise the Alarm

Do not be deceived, SB-219 is an attempt by the California political class to leverage a revolutionary social movement (the LGBT/LGBTQ Movement) to secure more power onto themselves. As a result, the political class is using government functions and institutions to enlarge, entrench, and enrich itself while viewing citizens only as parts of tribes and voting blocs resulting in diminished individual rights and freedoms.

PROTECT the Rights of All Americans
The Constitution is the supreme Law of the Land (Constitution, Art-5, Para-2 & Art-7, Para-1). – In order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added (Preamble, Bill of Rights): Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech (1A); Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion (1A); Congress shall make no law abridging the right of the people peaceably to assemble (1A). – In all cases, the Government is prohibited from taking action against the citizenry.

PROTECT Liberating Ideals
Liberalism seeks to actualize the harmony of interests among individuals by insuring that the freedom of each is compatible with the freedom of all.

PROTECT American Ideals
In a freedom-loving society of republican governance with democratic processes, to realize harmony, each individual must be allowed to follow his or her own preferences as long as they do not detract from another's freedom. People thus need to cooperate by tolerating one another and forgoing coercion and violence.

PROTECT Practical Logic
Just because an actor could do something, does NOT mean that the actor actually did that something. – The position or prowess of the government, however informed, does not make the government the defacto subject matter expert. – If 23 specialized lobbies testify in support of government reach, with 1 similarly specialized lobby in opposition, then the evidence is stacked.

DENY Government Reach
Where in the Constitution does it authorize any State to criminalize speech, religious expression, or association? – How was the power to criminalize speech, religious expression, or association bestowed to the State of California? – If this is adopted, then what is the remedy available to the citizen for settling unjust losses or harms? – Explain why the need of any State government to protect LGBT persons as a protected class supersedes the need of the LGBT individual to do that for themselves?

RESIST the Nature of Governments
The fallacy of SB-219 is the assumption that the population being “protected” is small and will remain small. This does not hold because when the government subsidizes the solution to a problem (“protecting” an abused minority), then more of that problem (the abused minority) will develop. The nature of all governments is coercive; meaning, once power is secured, more power is sought.

[1] Anders Hagstrom. “California Could Start Jailing People Who Don’t Use Transgender Pronouns” The Daily Caller. Posted 170825-1454
[2] SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, Chair. 2017-2018 Regular Session. SB 219 (Wiener). Version: April 6, 2017. Hearing Date: April 25, 2017
[3] SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, Chair. 2017-2018 Regular Session. SB 219 (Wiener). Version: April 6, 2017. Hearing Date: April 25, 2017
[4] SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, Chair. 2017-2018 Regular Session. SB 219 (Wiener). Version: April 6, 2017. Hearing Date: April 25, 2017
[5] SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, Chair. 2017-2018 Regular Session. SB 219 (Wiener). Version: April 6, 2017. Hearing Date: April 25, 2017
[6] SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, Chair. 2017-2018 Regular Session. SB 219 (Wiener). Version: April 6, 2017. Hearing Date: April 25, 2017
[7] SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, Chair. 2017-2018 Regular Session. SB 219 (Wiener). Version: April 6, 2017. Hearing Date: April 25, 2017
[8] SB 219. Date of Hearing: July 11, 2017. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY. Mark Stone, Chair. SB 219 (Wiener) – As Amended July 5, 2017.
[9] SB 219. Date of Hearing: July 11, 2017. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY. Mark Stone, Chair. SB 219 (Wiener) – As Amended July 5, 2017.
[10] SB 219. Date of Hearing: July 11, 2017. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY. Mark Stone, Chair. SB 219 (Wiener) – As Amended July 5, 2017.
[11] SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, Chair. 2017-2018 Regular Session. SB 219 (Wiener). Version: April 6, 2017. Hearing Date: April 25, 2017
[12] Anders Hagstrom. “California Could Start Jailing People Who Don’t Use Transgender Pronouns” The Daily Caller. Posted 170825-1454
[13] Anders Hagstrom. “California Could Start Jailing People Who Don’t Use Transgender Pronouns” The Daily Caller. Posted 170825-1454
[14] SB 219. Date of Hearing: July 11, 2017. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY. Mark Stone, Chair. SB 219 (Wiener) – As Amended July 5, 2017.
[15] Anders Hagstrom. “California Could Start Jailing People Who Don’t Use Transgender Pronouns” The Daily Caller. Posted 170825-1454

27 August 2017

Government vs The Governed – Taking Stock

By Sam Frescoe

Seven months ago I went on the blogosphere record saying, “Hallelujah! The election is over!” Looking back, I recall having much company regarding the sentiment. On the other hand, I’m also on the record saying, “I was unsure what the electorate just did.”

Between the election and the inauguration I posted an article titled “Who Will “Make America Great Again”? Not Trump – The People Will!” In this article I openly criticized the common citizen for how they seemed to internalize campaign messaging. I was particularly concerned by what I heard in common places, day-to-day. “Trump is going to make America great again!” was the common theme of discourse. “Trump will get the government back on track for us,” was an equally common sentiment. In the article I offered a countering view: “The President is just that, and nothing more. Not a ruler, monarch, messiah, hero, king, sovereign, tsar, raja, liege, emperor, majesty, or lord.” The People alone had the power to redirect America onto a new course. – Readers (as those in the store check-out line) were quick to respond.

There were those that agreed regarding the role of The People.
CA advised, “The people must stay focused. We've ignored facts for too long!”
MM offered, “[It’s] worth the effort to read the Constitution. The fundamentals are terrific.”
MT warned, “Depending on who the American people put in office ....The Fault of the American people can make the Country fail again.”
JP instructed, “The Founders never once relied on powerful men to voluntarily part with that power.”
AW offered, “The best the man can do is lead a team [for] removing government and psychological obstacles.”
KO acknowledged, “Cult of personality does not solve issues.”
VT simply stated, “His administration is a good start.”

Conversely, there were those that disagreed.
JM, “Anybody following Trump knows he's been the working man's champion.”
KC, “Just electing Trump will help make America Great again.”
CL, “President-Elect Trump is the tool of the people.”
FS, “The point is, he will get the government out of our way.”
JCH, “America is great already, we will continue until it's better than it ever was.”
MVZ, “We couldn't by ourselves.”
PH, “You are right, of course, but Obama was a "single man" who did a pretty good job grievously harming America.”

Others offered a nuanced view.
KO, “It's a false premise. Nothing will change.”
MF, “I think you are underestimating the essential need to reset the tone from the top and reset the relationship between government and governed.”
FO, “Correct. Trump is but an enabler.”
DG, “Combined efforts are needed.”
RL, “Every election we face same uncertainties…it's a gamble.”
SW, “The so called leaders on the left are already saying they will not work with him unless he conforms to their way of thinking.”
PB said, “The proof that the American people can survive the charm and appeal of one man, (Obama) gives me confidence that we'll survive a Trump presidency.”

Some expressed a desire for leadership.
AW, “No but Trump could lay the foundation for it (crosses fingers).”
DL, “Of course the people will, but a leader is needed.”
PB, “All great movements require a great leader.”
PK, “A good leader will help in the effort.”
DB, “Leadership is the key to any successful effort of this size.”
BB, “To get yourself out of a hole you have to first stop digging.”
VC, “Yes but with his leadership he will help Americans make this happen!”
CG, “Donald J Trump is a proven leader.”
JD, “I'm glad he is in charge. We now have a chance.”

Some seemed content to be subordinate.
JR, “Trump will be the catalyst if he can remove the chains from us...regulations, taxes, etc.”
CU, “The people can only make America great again with a strong…leader.”
CB, “But Trump will allow the people to make America great again.”
JHC, “A LEADER has been needed, who has the ability and power to accomplish things that individual citizens cannot.”
EL, “We just need his voice and leadership to show us how we can do this!”
MB, “He leads ....we our part!”

And, as before, I find myself openly criticizing the electorate.
To those “Trump will get the government back on track for us” people…is the power of government shifting towards your wants and desires?
To those that “follow the leader” people…is your measure of inclusion increasing?
To those “strong leadership” people…is the power of your leader still enough?
To those that discredit the power of The People…can you do more today than yesterday?
As current events distract, and (once again) the evidence of past actions comes to light, I have a new question, “Has the electorate learned anything?”

So What?!

Without consent of The People, the government is powerless. With or without the consent of the government, The People remain powerful; otherwise the government would have no reason to garner favor. Therefore, the source of government power is The People. And yet, because “men are not angels” (Federalist 51, paraphrased), some government is necessary. – With this irony in mind, let’s review the all-American, freedom-loving, liberty-protecting solution that is the Constitution of the United States.

First, and foremost, the construction of government enshrined in the Constitution (to include the Bill of Rights) is that of a constrained republic, not an empowered democracy. This is why it is said that the United States is a nation of laws; not a nation of whims.

The United States of America was founded on the ideal of individual self-governance. To that end, the Founders ratified a Constitution that codified an arrangement of national government with enumerated and constrained powers. It happens that the Constitution and Bill of Rights codify a republic form of limited government, according to the consent of The People. – The Constitution and Bill of Rights are our nation’s foundation which defines a government structure to implement principles which serves all the country’s citizens and protects our freedoms.

Second, because our nation is a republic, The People are not called to elect their leaders; they are called to select those that represent fundamental interests: Representatives for interests of The People, Senators for interests of the States, the President for execution of the laws, and Judges for nullifying the power of “those who are loud” over “those who are quiet.” – It is this republican arrangement that empowers The People. Simply stated, because the accent of individuals to power is made just by The People, it is The People who are the LEADERS and those they select who are the FOLLOWERS.

The purpose of the arrangement of American government is to establish a political economy that derails, disrupts, and denies individuals that seek to govern the population according to their intentions. – “All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible,” Frank Herbert. – Never forget what all good intentioned individuals seeking power have in common; they all intend to govern.

Third, because The People hold the keys to power (their votes), they are responsible for being savvy regarding civic participation, and well-informed as to the role and effects of government. In my view, this means each citizen is singularly responsible for moving from “having an opinion” to “having an informed position.”

Federalism: Government by consent of The People (Ninth Amendment). Power of the Federal (other than as numerated) is subordinate to the States (Tenth Amendment).

“Through education the student rises to self-government.” – Hillsdale College
“American freedom rests on the assumption that individuals can govern themselves.” – Dr. Mickey Craig, Hillsdale College, Professor of Politics

Fourth, for a freedom-loving society (one in which The People hold most dear the ability of individuals to lead their lives according to their needs, wants, and desires) to flourish, it is in the mutual self-interest of The People to commonly embrace and empower our founding principles unto ourselves; and among the first of these principles are life, liberty, and the pursuit of wealth.

In a freedom-loving society of republican governance with democratic processes, to realize harmony, each individual must be allowed to follow his or her own preferences as long as they do not detract from another's freedom. People thus need to cooperate by tolerating one another and forgoing coercion and violence.

“In sum, liberalism's ends are life and property, and its means are liberty and toleration. This is a description of an “enlightened” way of governance.” – Unknown

Going Forward

As I’ve said before, and will again without apology, the truth is that the greatness of America is restored, maintained, and increased by the combined effort of the American people. The greatness of America is not assured by any one person. The greatness of America is assured by hard-working, freedom-loving, liberty-protecting, respectfully-united Americans.

Your View
Your thoughts and perspectives are important. I invite you to tell me what you believe with the comment section.

© 2017 – – All Rights Reserved

19 August 2017

Racism – Hatred Compounded by Stupidity

By Sam Frescoe
#SamFrescoe #Racism #Race #Hate

Every American is impacted by racism. Whether by an individual’s decision, a collective action, or a government sanctioned use of force, no one is fully insulated. Those that talk the talk agree in great and loud tones that racism is a problem. However, when it’s time to walk the walk, behaviors suggest a different answer.

Racism is Popular

“Racism has become an overused, one size fits all, buzzword that has lost all true meaning associated with racist behavior.” – W. Sullivan

The term seems to have a wide span of usage while, simultaneously, being reserved for use by selected people-groups and contexts. Given this perception, racism has a fluid, multi-faceted nature that is both inclusive and exclusive. This character is further reinforced by expressions of self-identity and community-belonging along, what are deemed, racial lines.

Racism is a Polarizing

“There is a perceptible shift in our National dialogue on race. We are experiencing a move away from definitions that describe the relationships of different groups of people to newer definitions designed to stifle discussion by negatively characterizing discussion, dissent, or protest.” – Kevin Myles[1]

Racism is a phenomenon that is harmful to some while being beneficial to others. Consider the following statements. I am certain that this list is not all inclusive.
Racism is an absolute moral wrong (an abomination of humankind).
Racism is benign (an aid to those that can’t care for themselves).
Racism fuels an industry for the transfer of wealth (financial and legal benefits).
Racism is a “call to action” (prestige and notoriety).
Racism is a mechanism for demanding justice (racial justice).
Racism legitimizes compelling outcomes (employment, affirmative action).
Racism rationalizes otherwise inexcusable behavior (rioting, criminal behavior).
Racism provides victim status (oppression).
Racism marginalizes (embarrassment, demonization).
Racism rallies (power, supremacy).

Racism is Profitable 

The words of Mr. Washington are as sound today as they were in his time.

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” – Booker T. Washington

So What? – Why is racism important?

Racism believes in devaluing (diminishing, cheapening, reducing) human beings.
Racism provides doctrines and strategies for its own ends (aims, goals, objectives).
Racism is prejudicial (harmful, detrimental, damaging) and discriminatory (unfair, bigoted, inequitable, intolerant). The intentions and motivations of racism are not always clear and obvious.

Simply stated, racism is bad, false, and ugly.

Racism is NOT a Feeling

Racism is a prejudicial or discriminatory classification of human beings (action/actions) according to the perception of race (condition/conditions) in order to transfer resources from one people-group to another (motive/intent).
  • Racism classifies human beings according to differences, characteristics, capacities and/or abilities assumed to being inherent to a particular human race (e.g. skin color, facial form, eye shape, genetic markers, and/or other arbitrarily features). Ethnological classifications are black (Negro), red (Indian), white (Caucasian), yellow (Mongolian), and other.
  • Racism stratifies human beings according to the perception of race.
  • Racism is a doctrine, a manner of thinking, consisting of a set of policies, principles, rules, or guidelines.
  • Racism is a strategy, a method of doing, comprised of a designed plan, approach, or scheme; or set of designed plans, approaches, or schemes.
  • Racism is culturally institutionalized by leveraging ideas, customs, social behaviors, attitudes, values, goals, and practices.
  • Racism is culturally normalized by instruction, use of symbols, sharing, and integration, and is adaptive.
  • The intentions of racism are mental attitudes with which individuals act, and therefore it must be inferred from surrounding facts and circumstances.
  • The motivations of racism explain why a person acts, or refuses to act, in a racist way.

Going Forward – A Solution

If the United States is to be a nation of freedom-loving people, then racism must be ostracized for what it is: hatred compounded by stupidity.

“You cannot dream yourself into a character;
you must hammer and forge yourself.” – James A. Froude

Principles – Embrace American Ideals

Get back to American basics. – “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – Declaration of Independence, Paragraph-2

Role of Government – Do Your Duty

Uphold your oath of office. – “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”– Declaration of Independence, Paragraph-2

Remove those that choose to be derelict in their duty. – “Each House shall be the Judge of the…Qualifications of its own Members…” and “Each House may…punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and…expel a Member.” – The Constitution of the United States, Art-1, Sec-5, Para 1 & 2 (respectively)

Role of Academia – Do Educate, Don’t Indoctrinate

“When people get used to preferential treatment,
equal treatment seems like discrimination.” – Thomas Sowell

Transfer knowledge for its own sake. Protect the meaning of words. Teach morals, virtue, and honor (ex: No one has the right to do what is wrong).

Role of the People – Live the American Ideal

Judas had the best Pastor, the best Leader, the best Teacher,
the wisest and best friend; and he failed. The problem isn't Leadership.
If your attitude doesn't change or your character transformed,
then you will always be the same. – Unknown (paraphrased)

Ostracize “that which is bad/vicious/evil.”  Herald “that which is good/virtuous/graceful.” Make the removal of ignorance, strategies, doctrines, and institutions that support institutional racism politically popular.

Your View
Your thoughts and perspectives are important. I invite you to tell me what you believe with the comment section.

© 2017 – – All Rights Reserved

Related Posts

[1] Kevin Myles. “Racism vs Race-ism: The changing language of race in America”. Daily Kos. Published 22 Apr 20009. (accessed 170115)

24 February 2017

Once Tabloid Trash, Always Tabloid Trash

By Sam Frescoe



What headlines tend to catch your attention? For me, I’m drawn to geo-political headlines before others. I pay particular attention to the mentioning of American national security leaders. In the case of this article, the particular headline mentioned two American leaders: The President of the United States, and the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.


“McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name” [1]


Normally I look past sensational headlines such as this one. However, given the influence of Senator McCain, and the Senatorial difficulties being faced by the Trump’s administration, I elected to review the article. As a result, I increased my understanding of the Munich Security Conference and my distrust of the Associated Press.


The Problem


I am writing about the article titled “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name” because I want to show you how the Associated Press, in this case, purposefully deceived its readers and the public at large.


Getting Started


Context matters. In the case of the article, the context is that of the Munich Security Conference of 2017. Given the headline, particular attention was paid to Senator McCain’s remarks by the author and his publisher.


Munich Security Conference


Over the past five decades, the Munich Security Conference (MSC) has become the major global forum for the discussion of security policy. Each February, it brings together more than 450 senior decision-makers from around the world, including heads-of-state, ministers, leading personalities of international and non-governmental organizations, as well as high ranking representatives of industry, media, academia, and civil society, to engage in an intensive debate on current and future security challenges.[2]


The intention of the MSC is to address the topical main security issues and to debate and analyze the main security challenges in the presence and the future in line with the concept of networked security. A focal point of the conference is the discussion and the exchange of views on the development of the transatlantic relations as well as European and global security in the 21st century.[3]


The Author – The Publisher


The article was published by the Associated Press on behalf of Richard Lardner,[4] reporter for the Metro DC and Politics.[5] Lardner is connected with in 620 publications over the course of authoring 16,129 articles.[6] He is further described as an international investigations reporter for the Associated Press. Prior to working for the Associated Press, he was the general manager of Inside Washington Publishers' Defense Group in which he published six defense newsletters that covered budgets and programs of the U.S. Defense Department.[7]


The article seems to be written in an emotional rhetorical style. In my view, it seems clear that this article was purposefully designed to appeal to fear, anger, and disgust. While the logical fallacies contained within the article are many, there are some that stand out: appeal to ridicule and spite, red herring, and character attack. The rhetorical device being used is an appeal to a specific audience.




At the time of the article, Senator McCain was acting in the position of Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.[8] 


What Was Told




The author, and by extension the publisher, seems to desire connecting the following: McCain’s concern about the security of Western values, that Trump questions the value of NATO, and that SECDEF Mattis is breaking from Trump.[9] To this end, an article was posted to the public. Within the article, the author makes the following claim: Republican Sen. John McCain has delivered a withering critique of President Donald Trump in a speech that highlights fractures within the GOP as the new administration struggles to overcome a chaotic start.[10] The article was reposted by several additional news outlets: The Associated Press, Fox News, The Boston globe, ABC News, The New York Times, The Palm Beach Post, US News, CBS, Business Standard, Financial Express, and others.[11]


What Was Said – What Was Done


Senator McCain’s remarks were posted for public viewing on YouTube.


The MSC was held for three days, 17-20 Feb 2017 in Munich, Germany. On 17 Feb 2017, the MSC began and McCain provided his remarks.

  • McCain’s remarks were posted to YouTube by Live Satellite News under the title “John McCain takes Shot at Trump at Munich Security Conference”.
  • Lardner’s AP article was published as “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”.


On 17 Feb 2017, the Associated Press, on behalf of Richard Lardner (an AP reporter) asserted the following claims.

  • “Republican Sen. John McCain has delivered a withering critique of President Donald Trump.” [12]
  • “Republican Sen. John McCain has delivered a speech that highlights fractures within the GOP.” [13]
  • “The new [Trump] administration struggles to overcome a chaotic start.” [14]


Garbage In – Garbage Out


Given the seriousness of the issues claimed, let’s see how well they stand up to a basic analysis.


Claim-1 – Withering Critique – On/Near 17 Feb 2017, the Associated Press, on behalf of Richard Lardner, asserted the following: “Republican Sen. John McCain has delivered a withering critique of President Donald Trump.”


In my view, Lardner attempts to support his claim with the following statements:

  • “The Armed Services Committee chairman never mentioned the president's name while lamenting a shift in the United States and Europe away from the "universal values" that McCain says forged the Western alliance.”
  • In his speech, McCain said "more and more of our fellow citizens seem to be flirting with authoritarianism and romanticizing it as our moral equivalent." [15]


After viewing the YouTube record, I am able to support the following challenges.

  • First, and foremost, stating that McCain “never mentioned the president's name” does not provide sufficient license to connect McCain’s remarks to the President. Lardner and the AP have a significant integrity problem.
  • Senator McCain was not lamenting, nor did he lament. Lamenting means to express oneself in a mournful, sad, or melancholic manner. To lament (verb) refers to an act of mourning, or expression of grief. It is clear for all to see, that McCain was not lamenting, nor did he lament.
  • The “fellow citizens” remark was stated by McCain in his speech. Given its placement within the speech it seems clear that McCain was referring to the past and not the present. McCain offered the observation as a result of prior complacency, not as a result of current conditions.


Furthermore, the video presents further evidence contrary to the claim.

  • McCain stated, “I know there is profound concern across Europe and the world that America is laying down the mantle of global leadership. I can only speak for myself, but I do not believe that that is the message you will hear from all the American leaders who cared enough to travel here to Munich this weekend.”
  • McCain stated, “Make no mistake about it. These are dangerous times, and you should not count America out.”
  • McCain stated, “That more and more of our fellow citizens seem to be flirting with authoritarianism and romanticizing it as a moral equivalent.”

None of these statements amount to a withering critique of President Donald Trump.


Claim-2 – GOP Fractures – On/Near 17 Feb 2017, the Associated Press, on behalf of Richard Lardner, asserted the following: “Republican Sen. John McCain has delivered a speech that highlights fractures within the GOP.”


In my view, Lardner did not attempt to support his claim with additional statements.


However, the video does present evidence contrary to the claim.

  • McCain aligns himself with the Vice President, the Secretary of Defense, and the National Security Advisor. – Examination of those referenced, provides support for the following conclusions: all are Republicans; three were selected by Trump himself; two were properly elected to office; two were approved by the Senate to take office.

McCain did not deliver a remark that “highlights fractures within the GOP.”


Claim-3 – Struggling Administration – On/Near 17 Feb 2017, the Associated Press, on behalf of Richard Lardner, asserted the following: “The new [Trump] administration struggles to overcome a chaotic start.”


In my view, Lardner did not attempt to support his claim with additional statements.


However, the video does not present evidence contrary to, or in support of, the claim. Additionally, at the time of posting, the Trump administration had existed for 28-days. Finally, in my view, the Trump administration is actively realigning staff, and pushing through the Senate confirmation process for several key cabinet members. Both challenges, staffing and confirmation, are reasonable and expected for any newly seated President.


Conclusion – Given the preponderance of the evidence, I conclude that all of Lardner’s claims are without merit. Furthermore, given the facts recorded, his claims are an outright fabrication and a breach of trust with the American public.


“So What?”


In my view, the Press is granted special protections that reflect the special trust placed in its profession. Simply stated, because of its special rights and protections, the Press has a duty to accurately present the facts regardless of the matter addressed. Clearly, Lardner and the AP failed to preserve the special trust placed in their profession.


Additionally, given the historical record claimed by Lardner and the AP, there is little doubt that this article was intentionally written to create an emotional effect. In short, they published tabloid trash loosely guised as factual enough.


An Alternative Assessment


On/Near 17 Feb 2017, Senator McCain, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, while speaking at the Munich Security Conference, reaffirmed America’s commitment to support and defend western civilization (The West). However, his comments were not exclusively that of praise. McCain’s speech is available at this link. 


McCain recounted a historical summary of the founding of The West (western civilization). A key feature of his summary was a reiteration of western values: universal values, rule of law, open commerce, and respect for national sovereignty and independence.


McCain tempered his summary by pointing out several shortcomings occurring within the last decade. He framed his comments in terms of The West in general and America specifically. McCain’s comments are paraphrased below.

  • An increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.
  • The hardening resentment seen towards immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups; especially Muslims.
  • The growing inability, and even unwillingness, to separate truth from lies.
  • That more and more of our fellow citizens seem to be flirting with authoritarianism and romanticizing it as a moral equivalent.
  • May of our peoples, including [Americans], are giving up on the West. They see it as a bad deal, and that we may be better off without it.


McCain, in his view, offered several causes for the shortfalls stated.

  • Complacency leading to mistakes
  • At times we tried to do too much, and at others we failed to do enough
  • We lost touch with many of our people
  • We’ve been too slow to recognize and respond to their hardships


However, McCain did conclude his remarks with several statements of faith in the The West and its future; and even express the willingness to fight.

  • “I know there is profound concern across Europe and the world that America is laying down the mantle of global leadership. I can only speak for myself, but I do not believe that that is the message you will hear from all the American leaders who cared enough to travel here to Munich this weekend.”
  • “Make no mistake about it. These are dangerous times, and you should not count America out.”
  • Our adversaries want the West to decline and fail. “This is their goal. They have no meaningful allies so they seek to sow decent among us; and, to divide us from each other. They know that their power and influence are inferior to ours. So they seek to subvert us; and erode our resolve to resist; and terrorize into passivity.”


In my view, upon reflecting on McCain’s remarks, and considering the breadth and depth of the MSC, I am willing to offer the following conclusion. On/Near 17 Feb 2017, Senator McCain issued a verbal statement signaling to the international community that the United States is going to set a new course of action in favor of Western civilization guiding principles.


Going Forward


America is an exceptional nation, and worthy of the leadership role and its challenges.


America was founded on an exceptional idea. Simply stated, that idea is that every citizen is of value. For this idea to hold true and transcend the generations, personal responsibility is mandatory. For without it, a citizen would not possess human value; and, as a result, neither would their thoughts, desires, deeds, or the tangible results thereof.


America champions an exceptional way. America was founded on the ideal of individual self-governance. To that end, the Founders ratified a Constitution that codified an arrangement of national government with enumerated and constrained powers. It happens that the Constitution and Bill of Rights codify a republic form of limited government, according to the consent of The People.


Given the history of America, in my opinion, we can lead the way forward, addressing the shortfalls of the past, and create effects in the world that are good while not compromising principle.


Your View

Your thoughts and perspectives are important. I invite you to tell me what you believe with the comment section.


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[1] Richard Lardner. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. The Associated Press. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170219); Associated Press. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. Fox news. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170218)
[2] “About the MSC”. (accessed 170218)
[3] “Munich Security Conference”. Wikipedia. (accessed 170218)  225 citations
[4] Richard Lardner. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. The Associated Press. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170219); Associated Press. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. Fox news. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170218)
[5] “Richard Lardner”. Muck Rack. (accessed 170218); “Richard Lardner”. Reporter’s Info. Last updated 160428. (accessed 170218)
[6] “Richard Lardner”. Muck Rack. (accessed 170218)
[7] “Richard Lardner”. Reporter’s Info. Last updated 160428. (accessed 170218)
[8] Richard Lardner. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. The Associated Press. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170219); Associated Press. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. Fox news. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170218)
[9] Richard Lardner. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. The Associated Press. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170219); Associated Press. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. Fox news. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170218)
[10] Richard Lardner. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. The Associated Press. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170219); Associated Press. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. Fox news. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170218)
[11] Google search for headline.
[12] Richard Lardner. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. The Associated Press. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170219); Associated Press. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. Fox news. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170218)
[13] Richard Lardner. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. The Associated Press. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170219); Associated Press. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. Fox news. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170218)
[14] Richard Lardner. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. The Associated Press. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170219); Associated Press. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. Fox news. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170218)
[15] Richard Lardner. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. The Associated Press. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170219); Associated Press. “McCain slams Trump in Munich speech without using his name”. Fox news. 17 Feb 2017. (accessed 170218)