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27 August 2017

Government vs The Governed – Taking Stock

By Sam Frescoe

Seven months ago I went on the blogosphere record saying, “Hallelujah! The election is over!” Looking back, I recall having much company regarding the sentiment. On the other hand, I’m also on the record saying, “I was unsure what the electorate just did.”

Between the election and the inauguration I posted an article titled “Who Will “Make America Great Again”? Not Trump – The People Will!” In this article I openly criticized the common citizen for how they seemed to internalize campaign messaging. I was particularly concerned by what I heard in common places, day-to-day. “Trump is going to make America great again!” was the common theme of discourse. “Trump will get the government back on track for us,” was an equally common sentiment. In the article I offered a countering view: “The President is just that, and nothing more. Not a ruler, monarch, messiah, hero, king, sovereign, tsar, raja, liege, emperor, majesty, or lord.” The People alone had the power to redirect America onto a new course. – Readers (as those in the store check-out line) were quick to respond.

There were those that agreed regarding the role of The People.
CA advised, “The people must stay focused. We've ignored facts for too long!”
MM offered, “[It’s] worth the effort to read the Constitution. The fundamentals are terrific.”
MT warned, “Depending on who the American people put in office ....The Fault of the American people can make the Country fail again.”
JP instructed, “The Founders never once relied on powerful men to voluntarily part with that power.”
AW offered, “The best the man can do is lead a team [for] removing government and psychological obstacles.”
KO acknowledged, “Cult of personality does not solve issues.”
VT simply stated, “His administration is a good start.”

Conversely, there were those that disagreed.
JM, “Anybody following Trump knows he's been the working man's champion.”
KC, “Just electing Trump will help make America Great again.”
CL, “President-Elect Trump is the tool of the people.”
FS, “The point is, he will get the government out of our way.”
JCH, “America is great already, we will continue until it's better than it ever was.”
MVZ, “We couldn't by ourselves.”
PH, “You are right, of course, but Obama was a "single man" who did a pretty good job grievously harming America.”

Others offered a nuanced view.
KO, “It's a false premise. Nothing will change.”
MF, “I think you are underestimating the essential need to reset the tone from the top and reset the relationship between government and governed.”
FO, “Correct. Trump is but an enabler.”
DG, “Combined efforts are needed.”
RL, “Every election we face same uncertainties…it's a gamble.”
SW, “The so called leaders on the left are already saying they will not work with him unless he conforms to their way of thinking.”
PB said, “The proof that the American people can survive the charm and appeal of one man, (Obama) gives me confidence that we'll survive a Trump presidency.”

Some expressed a desire for leadership.
AW, “No but Trump could lay the foundation for it (crosses fingers).”
DL, “Of course the people will, but a leader is needed.”
PB, “All great movements require a great leader.”
PK, “A good leader will help in the effort.”
DB, “Leadership is the key to any successful effort of this size.”
BB, “To get yourself out of a hole you have to first stop digging.”
VC, “Yes but with his leadership he will help Americans make this happen!”
CG, “Donald J Trump is a proven leader.”
JD, “I'm glad he is in charge. We now have a chance.”

Some seemed content to be subordinate.
JR, “Trump will be the catalyst if he can remove the chains from us...regulations, taxes, etc.”
CU, “The people can only make America great again with a strong…leader.”
CB, “But Trump will allow the people to make America great again.”
JHC, “A LEADER has been needed, who has the ability and power to accomplish things that individual citizens cannot.”
EL, “We just need his voice and leadership to show us how we can do this!”
MB, “He leads ....we our part!”

And, as before, I find myself openly criticizing the electorate.
To those “Trump will get the government back on track for us” people…is the power of government shifting towards your wants and desires?
To those that “follow the leader” people…is your measure of inclusion increasing?
To those “strong leadership” people…is the power of your leader still enough?
To those that discredit the power of The People…can you do more today than yesterday?
As current events distract, and (once again) the evidence of past actions comes to light, I have a new question, “Has the electorate learned anything?”

So What?!

Without consent of The People, the government is powerless. With or without the consent of the government, The People remain powerful; otherwise the government would have no reason to garner favor. Therefore, the source of government power is The People. And yet, because “men are not angels” (Federalist 51, paraphrased), some government is necessary. – With this irony in mind, let’s review the all-American, freedom-loving, liberty-protecting solution that is the Constitution of the United States.

First, and foremost, the construction of government enshrined in the Constitution (to include the Bill of Rights) is that of a constrained republic, not an empowered democracy. This is why it is said that the United States is a nation of laws; not a nation of whims.

The United States of America was founded on the ideal of individual self-governance. To that end, the Founders ratified a Constitution that codified an arrangement of national government with enumerated and constrained powers. It happens that the Constitution and Bill of Rights codify a republic form of limited government, according to the consent of The People. – The Constitution and Bill of Rights are our nation’s foundation which defines a government structure to implement principles which serves all the country’s citizens and protects our freedoms.

Second, because our nation is a republic, The People are not called to elect their leaders; they are called to select those that represent fundamental interests: Representatives for interests of The People, Senators for interests of the States, the President for execution of the laws, and Judges for nullifying the power of “those who are loud” over “those who are quiet.” – It is this republican arrangement that empowers The People. Simply stated, because the accent of individuals to power is made just by The People, it is The People who are the LEADERS and those they select who are the FOLLOWERS.

The purpose of the arrangement of American government is to establish a political economy that derails, disrupts, and denies individuals that seek to govern the population according to their intentions. – “All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible,” Frank Herbert. – Never forget what all good intentioned individuals seeking power have in common; they all intend to govern.

Third, because The People hold the keys to power (their votes), they are responsible for being savvy regarding civic participation, and well-informed as to the role and effects of government. In my view, this means each citizen is singularly responsible for moving from “having an opinion” to “having an informed position.”

Federalism: Government by consent of The People (Ninth Amendment). Power of the Federal (other than as numerated) is subordinate to the States (Tenth Amendment).

“Through education the student rises to self-government.” – Hillsdale College
“American freedom rests on the assumption that individuals can govern themselves.” – Dr. Mickey Craig, Hillsdale College, Professor of Politics

Fourth, for a freedom-loving society (one in which The People hold most dear the ability of individuals to lead their lives according to their needs, wants, and desires) to flourish, it is in the mutual self-interest of The People to commonly embrace and empower our founding principles unto ourselves; and among the first of these principles are life, liberty, and the pursuit of wealth.

In a freedom-loving society of republican governance with democratic processes, to realize harmony, each individual must be allowed to follow his or her own preferences as long as they do not detract from another's freedom. People thus need to cooperate by tolerating one another and forgoing coercion and violence.

“In sum, liberalism's ends are life and property, and its means are liberty and toleration. This is a description of an “enlightened” way of governance.” – Unknown

Going Forward

As I’ve said before, and will again without apology, the truth is that the greatness of America is restored, maintained, and increased by the combined effort of the American people. The greatness of America is not assured by any one person. The greatness of America is assured by hard-working, freedom-loving, liberty-protecting, respectfully-united Americans.

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