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10 January 2017

Blasphemy: Secondary Effects Trump Primary Concerns – A Retrospect

By Sam Frescoe

As the new Congress sits and the next President awaits, I find myself reflecting on the past decade of American “leadership.” In doing so, I’ve learned something about those entrusted with social-political responsibilities? – The majority of our “leaders” are cowards.

The majority of American “leaders” (politicians especially, but not exclusively) are very good at executing two primary strategies: aggravate secondary issues and effects, and avoid primary concerns. In other words, act to temporarily satisfying social effects in order to secure gains; whereas, evade cultural drivers (especially sub-cultural drivers) to avoid losses.

Who is looking into why the group was founded, or why people mobilized in mass, in the first place? And, if “leaders” are looking into those effects, then why are we not hearing the harsh, unpopular, wart-covered truths of those matters?

As a way of illustration, if a group acts out in mass against an injustice, and does the acting in the name of righteousness, then the likely result is either appeasement of the mob and/or silencing of its critics. However, the underlying matters that drove the founding of the group, or that prompted the people to mobilize in mass, are ignored, understated, disavowed, or (simply) never mentioned.

Common examples of secondary effects and issues include movements and ideas such as Black Lives Matter, acceptance of Sharia Law, social justice, hate speech, racism, censorship schemes, protected class rights, normalization of dysphoria, selective demonization of religion, and corruption (just to name a few). All of these are secondary effects; and, even though they are being appeased, they continue to be hotly debated. 

I fully appreciate that individuals have strong views concerning these effects. I have strong concerning these effects. However, personal views are not the point. – The point is that those in “leadership” positions are not reducing, abating, or eliminating underlying drivers (the primary effects) that prompt the forming and rise of secondary effects. Instead, they are catering to secondary effects directly or by not addressing primary effects.

So, why don’t our “leaders” deal in primary effects? – Simple, championing primary solutions is not popular.


Seeking to reduce, abate, or eliminate primary effects is social-political blasphemy.

Blasphemy, or to mere appearance thereof, is treated as a form of sacrilege, irreverence, desecration, or demonic attack against any particular secondary effect. As a result, ideological vacuums are created. In these vacuums, ideological diversity is allowed to fester into irrational dissent aimed at society at large. When this dissent is attached to a culture or sub-culture, those views become empowered to emerge as sanctioned effects. In turn, non-conforming elements of society are framed as wrong-doers. Given sufficient time, diversity of dissenting views becomes excessively large, while proximity of dissenting views becomes excessively small. As a result, there is social-political warfare. – Some examples (summaries) are given below.

Racial Justice

·         Secondary Effects: Certain groups of blacks gathered to express grievances for what they believed were unjust practices against blacks at large. Initially, gatherings were peaceful, local, and largely ignored by the national discourse. Unsatisfied, and to garner social-political attention, violence was executed towards people and property.

o   Rationale: Justifications included the following: white supremacy, righteous revenge, colonial racism, white culture, legal suppression, the existence of the United States itself, racism in general, lack of jobs, low minimum wage, existence of police, social justice, white guilt, bigotry, lack of money, bad schools, violent music, poor education, abuse by others, general meanness, failure to truly understand, and on and on and on.

o   Response: Upon initiation of violence, the media covered their activities 24/7. Local “leaders” chose not to meet the mob with force; and then, announced that decision across the media. Having communicated license, violence expanded. All opposed were branded racists and silenced. – At all levels, “leaders” legitimized the behavior and its results. For example, a BLM founder sat at the right hand of the President during a Cabinet meeting (displacing the Vice President to the end of the table).

·         Primary Effects: In general, the majority of protesting individuals represented groups and sub-groups of people that are disconnected from society, culture, and politics at large by their own choosing.

Islamism & Sharia Law

·         Secondary Effects: Certain groups of citizens and non-citizens gathered to express grievances for what they believed was an unjust lack of recognition. Initially, gatherings were peaceful and sought simple recognitions (such as inclusion of Islamic holidays on par with Christian and Jewish holidays). – In some cases, they setup localized sub-cultures that included social codes, schools, places of worship, and court-like mechanisms. When challenged, these groups arranged Islamic patrols, neighborhood watches, political action groups, and financial foundations. – Murder, street violence, and harassment of non-conforming individuals increased sharply in connection to Islam.

o   Rationale: Those participating profess Islam to be the only acceptable true faith, and so empowered to act. Those opposed, or fail to adequately buy-in, are to be identified and dealt with by force per the same authority.

o   Response: Local “leaders” chose to promote parity via multiculturalism. The “religion of peace” narrative was introduced, and police presence was reduced in certain areas. The term Islamophobia (and its derivatives) became commonly accepted as a means to silence dissenters (actual or perceived) by demonization. – National “leaders” proclaimed that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,” seek to restrict access to weapons (particularly firearms), decreed Islam a race (thus a protected class), remove the definition of terrorism from law enforcement protocols, publish a national security strategy that defers to “international norms,” attack foreign nationals in their own nations with lethal force, deny basic facts about the founding of the United States, and on and on and on. – State “leaders” begin to promote legal positions that allow for Sharia Law, prosecute Christians for “rehabilitation,” and demonized police officers that take down violent actors as Islamophobes before fact patterns are known. And then, turn around and mandate police departments to regularly conduct battle drills and rehearse “active shooter” responses. – Unsympathetic citizens continue to seek to be well-armed, obstruct Islamic initiatives, meet street demonstrations with increasing amounts of force, and (in general) build an opposition to Muslims.

·         Primary Effects: Islamism is not compatible with the American Constitutional Republic, nor reconcilable with the American way of life; therefore, we are going to fight.

Social Justice

·         Secondary Effects: SJW’s, LGBTQ’s, and other non-conforming groups and sub-groups gathered to express grievances against society at large for not accepting their views as being on par with what is considered to be “normal.” Initially, gatherings were peaceful in nature, contained within relatively small areas, and largely ignored within the national discourse. Over time, academia began to recognize social justice curriculum, offer majors based on that curriculum, and market graduates to governmental and activist roles. As a result, these non-conforming groups and sub-groups began leveraging government force as a way and means to secure parity and resources. Upon, meeting resistance, these groups increased legal initiatives to establish political action groups, financial foundations, secure “protected” status, and increase support to favorable learning institutions at all levels.

o   Rationale: To secure equality, non-conforming groups and sub-groups must have absolute rights reserved unto them alone. – Equal rights are secured when the old-normal is sufficiently made subordinate to the new-normal.

o   Response: “Leaders” began to promote group-thinking, political correctness, information curation, subjugation of Christians, targeted prosecution of political opponents, social justice “sciences”, individual mandates under penalty of material damage, protected classes with special rights reserved, forced rehabilitation by government actors, removal of affirmative defense, and other “solutions” into law. Anyone opposed is labeled a _____-ophobe, racist, hater, bigot, fascist, patriarchy, or other undefined-yet-denigrating term. – Local “leaders” advocated for reduction of the “clear and compelling” standard of harm, the ability to mount an affirmative legal defense, and opportunity to bring a grievance against the government for an unjust act/decision (ex: The New York City Human Rights Commission). Well-resourced political activist groups, backed by government expertise, bring legal cases to high courts against defendants not capable of mounting a resistance; thus, establishing legal precedence for normalizing gender and sexual dysphoria as a civil right, justifying use of force by the government, changing the legal definition of “sex” outside the legislative process, placing legal standing of un-emancipated minors above citizens with equal or greater standing, and on and on and on.

·         Primary Effects: Social justice is not compatible with individual justice, nor is it reconcilable with human nature; therefore, social justice is toxic to the American Constitutional Republic and the American way of life. Thus, we are going to fight.

Political Corruption

·         Secondary Effects: Politicians of a sufficiently high ranking, or outsiders of a sufficiently high connection, conspire publicly and privately to realize illegal, unethical, or immoral ends at the expense and damage of other persons, peoples, or nation states.

o   Rationale: Stealing is easier than legitimate earning. In this case, corruption is stealing resources using government power. Moreover, government power and connectivity significantly decreases criminal risk while maximizing ability to steal. – At local levels, corruption is condoned because of the view that high-level corruption does not adversely impact those not already directly involved.

o   Response: Executives claim innocence. Legislatures hold hearings. The Judiciary remains silent. The media demonizes capitalism as cronyism. The People hold their noses and wait for the next election; and then, empower another wave of corruption.

·         Primary Effects: Those that know better, not only arranged the system that allows such acts, but also (even while knowing of its existence) allowing those acts to continue.

Breaking Pathological Apathy
There is a common thread. That thread is the inability of the majority/common citizen to perceive, understand, or appreciate the value of American freedom as immeasurable. In other words, a “leader’s” promise to bestow safety, security, money, comfort, and individual identity are judged to be more valuable than an arrangement that empowers citizens to do those things for themselves.
Sure, on a regular basis, lip service is paid to ideals as we celebrate under their banners. However, when it’s time to do the dirty work of putting down violence done in the promise of being righteous, suppressing incompatible doctrines, ostracizing radical minorities, and not tolerating wrong-doers (all secondary effects) majority/common citizens chooses to fail, and fail miserably. – Why? Because, in their view, protecting American freedom and the American Way of Life is not worth the trouble; and, being in contempt of their civic duty is in no way distressing (all primary effects).
Thread characteristics are as follows: a lack of absolutes by which right and wrong can be objectively measured; a lack of conviction to resist degradation; a lack of courage to act when critical examination and bold correction is needed; and, a lack of faith in the ability of the majority/common citizen to solve problems for his or herself (all contributors to primary effects).
Because the American Way of Life is based on the ideal that free persons must consent to a course of action prior to starting that course, the protection of that ideal falls to the population of free persons (aka: the majority/common citizen). Therefore, the hard work of breaking this form of pathological apathy falls squarely on their shoulders.
Unfortunately, the deck is stacked. Those mechanisms designed to measure and/or correct primary effects have been allowed to erode, or were abdicated all together. – Today, absolutes are not taught in public forums, but allowed in Sunday school (under certain conditions); the Constitution is not studied as a discipline, but given a short number of hours as a matter of high school history.
Additionally, by action and inaction of social-political “leaders,” the majority/common citizen is incentivized to continue the degradation of those fundamental mechanisms that both parties claim to depend upon most dearly. In turn, pathological apathy is promoted. A selection of results of this arrangement include the following: reduction of value of human beings to an arbitrary worth; continued rejection of human nature as a sufficient standard; and increased acceptance of subjective feelings as a quantifiable measure.
Blasphemous Leadership Needed
I want to see some blasphemous “leadership” from those entrusted with social-political responsibilities. – I want to see “leaders” with American backbones. It’s time to reduce, abate, or eliminate primary effects BEFORE doing the same for secondary effects. It’s time for “leaders” to respect their constituents enough to say “no” to regressive, corrosive, or destructive ideas.
I want to see some blasphemous “leadership” from those entrusted with sharpening social-political fundamentals. – I want to see citizens display some American grit. It’s time for the majority/common citizen to see through the subterfuge, and standup for his or herself. It’s time for citizens to act in favor of their own good, versus abdicating action to a “higher authority”.
Should Americans decide to restore the primary foundations of inherent rights and human value naturally granted to The People, then the United States will remake itself as a beacon on the hill, and behave as the land of the free and home of the brave.
Thank you. – Sam Frescoe
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