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20 July 2016

Black Lives Matter and Their C.R.A.P.

By Sam Frescoe

A statement against the junk that peddlers of dominate culture
 want us to swallow with a smile.

Welcome to the next CRAP segment. CRAP is dedicated to calling-out the junk that politicians and activists within dominate culture want us to accept with a smile. If you’re ready to resist what is “Coercive, Reprehensible, Arrogant, Profane” or “Corrupt, Ridiculous, Absurd, Pointless”, then you’ve arrived in the right place. I am your host, Sam Frescoe. I’m glad you’re here!
--- WARNING ---
You are about to enter a “feelings endangerment zone” currently occupied by a liberated, straight, white, God fearing, gun toting expert marksman; an all American patriot. Be advised, it’s highly likely that he doesn’t care about your feelings in any way.
--- WARNING ---
Getting Started
Black Lives Matter (BLM)…heard of it! If not, then you’ve been living under a rock. – In an effort to be courteous, let me say the following: I AM NOT A FAN OF BLACK LIVES MATTER. With that bias clearly on display, this post is intended to present a series of questions I’d like to direct to BLM.

BLM has been present in the American discourse for some time now: from Ferguson, MO to New York, NY, to Dallas, TX, points in between, and overseas. During that time I’ve observed the media associate BLM with loud demonstrations, peaceful marches, violent riots, and quiet sit-ins. Then, on 8 July 2016, media outlets began holding up BLM as an ideological justification for the premeditated destruction of human life.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is social-political movement with a discernable organizational structure. BLM has an actual and virtual presence in modern American discourse. A foundational belief of BLM is that black people experience physical, political, economic, and social violence sanctioned by the government; black people are powerless to stand against that violence. BLM intends to execute a type of campaign that encompasses black persons (and society at large by extension). The campaign is expected to be radical (outside the norm) in its nature. BLM claims to “affirm” black lives; not all lives, black lives. 

“Racism is a manifestation of equal parts hatred and stupidity.”

CRAP – Coercive, Ridiculous, Arrogant, Profane
In my view, Black Lives Matter, while popular, active, and appealing, is a dangerous embodiment of hatred and stupidity. BLM is an angry, virtue signaling, injudicious, racist, sexist, and politically regressive social-political movement. Their “principled” approach is contradictory and disingenuous in of itself; and then, their actual guiding principles embrace, and advocate for, racist, sexist, disruptive, illogical, separatist, and anti-homosexual attitudes and behaviors. – Now pile on the actual behavior of the BLM activists and demonstrators themselves.

Shoveling “Ship High In Transit” Material
Of course, because BLM represents a point of view, there is an “other side” to be understood as well; and, to that end, I have questions.
·         Approaches & Arguments
o   Why should a nation following the lead of three black females? – Three are activists. Two are writers published with left-leaning periodicals, actual and virtual. One is a community organizer. None practice an analytic or empirical profession. None are aligned with the current norms of government or social institutions.
o   What’s with the emotional character attack? – How does your message, coupled with your background, develop and protect your character from the same type of attack?
o   What American rights have not been accorded to black Americans? – Or, is it easier to answer, “What black rights have not been enforced on behalf of black people?”
o   Why separate black humanity from humanity in general? How is this not narcissistic as though black humanity is separate from all others?
o   Regarding claims of black resiliency. If the black population is resilient in the presence of lethal tyranny (meaning to prosper despite an opposing force), then what’s the problem? The population of blacks in the United States has grown exponentially since 1790.
o   Why would you be so stupid as to affirm Black contributions to “this society,” (association by paragraph construction) “a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.”?
o   How can an elitist group of black persons be more intelligent (or morally superior) on matters impacting Black lives than the throngs on common people living those circumstances daily?
o   Is BLM a pro-black political movement or a pro-black feminist movement?
·         Racism
o   How does promoting one form of racism make racism in America better for everyone?
o   Why should I support black persons behaving violently against non-black persons as evidence of a non-racist attitude?
o   If BLM does not care about Whiteness, then why should whites care about Blackness?
·         “Freedom and Justice”
o   How is the “freedom and justice” of non-black persons predicated on the “freedom and justice” of black persons.
o   How was the power to establish “freedom and justice” for anyone bestowed to BLM?
o   If black “freedom and justice” is adopted, then what is the remedy available to citizens for settling losses or harms as a result?
o   How might blacks, or those not black enough, change their minds if they become the victim of this proposal?
o   Black “freedom and justice” as compared to what? At what cost? What hard evidence does BLM have?
o   Why should a group of progressive laws protecting “freedom and justice” (civil rights) be augmented or replaced with another set of progressive laws protecting black-only “freedom and justice” (the antithesis of civil rights)?
o   If blacks are willing to dictate “freedom and justice” to non-blacks, then are blacks willing to have “freedom and justice” dictated onto themselves?
o   If racist means are used against non-blacks to obtain black “freedom and justice,” then is it acceptable for racist means to be used to obtain non-black “freedom and justice”?
·         Justice
o   How was the power to embody and practice justice bestowed to BLM?
o   If justice is practiced, then who pays the price for being unjust, and what is that price?
o   If BLM is the keeper of justice, then what is the remedy available to the citizen for settling losses or harms?
o   If a party in receipt of BLM justice disagrees so strongly as to resist the decision, then how far is BLM willing to go to see BLM justice done?
o   How might BLM change its mind if it becomes a victim of black justice?
o   If BLM is willing to impose justice upon me, then is BLM willing to accept justice I impose upon it?
o   If you don’t care about my life/liberty/wealth, then why should I care about your life/liberty/wealth?
o   How was the power to define restorative justice bestowed to BLM?
o   Restorative Justice: Restorative to what? At what cost? What hard evidence does BLM have?
o   If BLM restorative justice is established, then who pays the price for being unjust, and what is that price?
o   If BLM restorative justice is practiced, then what is the remedy available to the citizen for settling losses or harms?
o   If a party in receipt of BLM restorative justice disagrees so strongly as to resist the decision, then how far is BLM willing to go to see BLM restorative justice done?
o   How might BLM change its mind if it becomes a victim of black restorative justice?
o   If BLM is willing to impose restorative justice upon me, then is BLM willing to accept restorative justice I impose upon it?
o   Why does BLM embrace illegal activity as a guiding principle (specifically illegal immigration of black persons)?
·         Hard Work
o   Why did BLM decide that working “doubles” is without virtue?
o   Why speak to black women exclusively? – What about black men working “double shifts”? If BLM wants full participation, then what is BLM doing to make it so “double-shifters” don’t have to work a “double shift?”
o   How is this statement not true? – Everyone is responsible for their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and the circumstances in which they are found.
·         Sexism
o   Why lie? – It is not possible to have a female exclusive space free from sexism.
o   Why would BLM intentionally divide its followers in this way?
o   Why does BLM, a pro-black-family movement, wish to segregate black women away from black men, thus silencing black men? – What is fundamentally wrong with black men?
o   If misogyny identifies “prejudice against women,” then how does segregating women away from men not show prejudice against women and men simultaneously?
o   If BLM does not care about black men, then why should black men care about black women?
o   What about building a Black men affirming space? Why are black men inferior to black women?
o   If you don’t care about my masculinity, then why should I care about your femininity?
·         Family
o   How is a “black village” better than a traditional nuclear family?
o   On what grounds does BLM disregard the wisdom of the past several centuries of having nuclear family structures?
o   Why give an abandonment option to mothers, parents and children based on their comfort level?
o   If you don’t care about my nuclear family, then why should I care about Black Village?
o   Should the BLM proposal be enacted and fail, then who pays the price for that failure (and what is that price)?
o   How might black persons change their minds if they become the victim of this proposal?
o   Why should any parent be allowed an opportunity to avoid responsibility for the results of their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and surrounding circumstances that resulted in becoming a parent?
o   How will Black Villages promote offspring that possess increasingly higher intelligence?
·         Attitudes
o   Diversity: How does BLM substantiate their diversity claim when they are on the record for being exclusively committed to black persons and black women; and, at the same time, to denying, disrespecting and lamenting black male authority figures.
o   Black Privilege: How are black folks privileged in different parts of the world? – And, regardless of the answer, how does that assessment impact the black situation in the United States?
o   Collective Values: Given the performance of the black community in the United States at large, how do the following terms NOT describe your view of collective values: poverty, sexual promiscuity, dropping out of school, criminal activity, racism, sexism, illogical thought, and anger?
o   Dissent: Why does BLM feel obligated to exclude all others not aligned with their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors (comrades)?
·         Sex
o   Why does BLM advocate for normalizing gender dysphoria?
o   How does BLM avoid homosexual-phobia while making “safe space” for black LGBTQ persons?
·         Rights
o   Why make such a big fuss about being denied “basic human rights and dignity” without offering a clear definition of basic human rights and dignity?
o   In your view, what are the basic human rights and dignity? To whom do they apply? How do they apply? When do they apply? Why are they important? 

For BLM proposals to become reality, the basic arrangements of the United States must shift from an individualist perspective to a collectivist perspective; from a republic form of government to a democratic (mob of the majority) form of government. In other words, make “protected class” warfare common and acceptable.

Imagine a nation where Beautiful persons have social privilege because they are Beautiful enough; therefore, it is legitimate for Ugly persons to oppose, dislike, and loathe Beautiful persons. Now, Ugly persons can say or do anything that may or does result in a harm, loss, or tort because Beautiful person privilege brought about Ugly person oppression. Meaning, Beautiful persons are inherently evil and bad; whereas, Ugly persons are inherently graceful and good. – But, wait! There are graduations of Beautiful and Ugly; and, the hatred/stupidity cycle continues.

Going Forward – A Solution
Break the hatred/stupidity cycle.
·         “That Which is Good” vs “That Which is Bad” – Virtuousness is a human achievement. Viciousness is a human failing. At some point each person (individual) must choose to identify with graceful/virtuous/good people (collective) or evil/vicious/bad people (collective). It’s the difference between “doing what is good” (objective reality) and “doing what feels good” (subjective reality).
·         Logic Arguments are required. – State the issue/solution, make claims regarding the issue/solution, support each claim with hard evidence, and warrant why it’s reasonable to accept the argument or proposal. – Do not allow deliberate interruptions, discomfort, imagination, feelings, hyper-criticality, and political associations derail the act of logical reasoning.
·         Remove government involvement when possible; otherwise highly restrict government authority to act. – Because governments have a monopoly of force the use of a government programs should be highly limited. To do otherwise is not compatible with personal “freedom and liberty.” This is a two-way street: people must accept personal responsibility for themselves and those in their charge; and, at the same time, governments must allow people to fall should they fail to meet their responsibilities.
·         There is no such thing as a Performance Guarantee – Whenever there is a proposal to change there cannot be a guarantee that ‘this’ or ‘that’ will happen. Why? Human nature. Individual persons make logical and illogical choices regardless of the incentives one way or the other. – A non-redeemable guarantee is worthless.
·         Delegate Solution-Making to at least below the State-level, if not lower. – Thomas Sowell stated the rationale for this best when he said, “There is no more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”
·         Default to primacy of the individual. – In the end, it’s the individual that makes a final decision.
·         Default to primacy of equal opportunity. – Let individuals choose in favor or against and receive the natural results of that decision. 

Your View
Your thoughts and perspectives are important. I invite you to tell me what you believe with the comment section below or at Please check out The Sam Frescoe Project on Facebook.

 Thank you. – Sam Frescoe

 © 2016 – – All Rights Reserved



Sam’s Estimate: Assessment of the Black Lives Matter Guiding Principles

By Sam Frescoe

Welcome to the next installment of Sam’s Estimate. Sam’s Estimate is an evaluation, assessment, or appraisal of a particular issue, organization, or topic. Typically, items of interest are selected from the current American discourse; however, some are selected otherwise.
Opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge
Perspective: a particular attitude toward, or way of regarding, something; a point of view
Fact: a piece of information presented as having objective reality
Philosophy: an analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs
Sam’s Estimate offers the opinions and perspectives of the author. Facts are cited and philosophy is championed as mechanisms to inform those opinions and perspectives. While the rigor demonstrated by The Estimate is not satisfactory for a comprehensive defense, this post is not intended to declare a matter “settled.” The intention is to be thought provoking in a grounded manner. – Sam Frescoe

From the American Discourse
This is the third of four planned Estimate segments focused on Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is the subject for this installment of Sam’s Estimate.
BLM has been present in the American discourse for some time now: from Ferguson, MO to New York, NY, to Dallas, TX, points in between, and overseas. During that time I’ve observed the media associate BLM with loud demonstrations, peaceful marches, violent riots, and quiet sit-ins. Then, on 8 July 2016, media outlets began holding up BLM as an ideological justification for the premeditated destruction of human life. This change in scope is alarming, and why I selected Black Lives Matter as the subject.

This Post is based on the following Black Lives Matter publications (12 July 2016).

Getting Started
This post presents the Assessment in the following order: BLUF, sentiment, the Assessment, and supporting comments. This post attempts to estimate the impact of BLM’s Guiding Principles.

There are bulleted statements throughout the post that contain my thoughts, opinions and perspectives. Additionally, to better understand the breadth and depth of particular phrases and sets of statements as a whole, I employ an examination of synonyms; and then, attempt to reconstruct the spirit and intent of the original thoughts using those synonyms. This is not an attempt to put words in their mouths; whereas, an attempt to understand their thoughts.

Side Note – Start
It is assumed that conclusions from prior Estimates hold for this Estimate.
·         BLM believes black people experience physical violence sanctioned by the government.
·         BLM believes black people experience political, economic, and social violence sanctioned by the government; and, black people are powerless to stand against that violence.
·         BLM is popular, active, appealing, and dangerous.
·         BLM is angry, virtue signals, injudicious, racist, sexist, and politically progressive
Side Note – End  

Bottom Line Up Front
·         BLM is a contradiction and is disingenuous.
·         BLM is a racist movement.
·         BLM is a sexist movement.
·         BLM is a disruptive movement.
·         BLM is illogical.
·         BLM is a separatist social-political movement.
·         BLM is a homosexual-phobic organization. 

Popular Sentiment
“My experiences in Ferguson and everywhere else — as an activist and educator — are that all of our work and experience is, regardless of how [opponents] try to frame it, about love. Love for self, love for us, love for our people. Love for humanity and love for the real great potential we have as a culture but also this nation has by putting its best foot forward.” – Jesse Williams [1]

This movement is ignoring what our history has taught.” – Barbara Reynolds [2]

“Mob rule is not democracy. It threatens democracy, as it threatens lives — black or white — and all lives should matter.” – Thomas Sowell [3]

“Theoretic politicians, who have patronized a [democracy arrangement of government], have erroneously supposed that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would at the same time be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions.” – James Madison, Federalist #10

Sam’s Assessment
1.    BLM has a collectivist leaning. It is clear that BLM intends to uplift black persons, with emphasis on black women, by seeking changes as to how those persons are permitted, promoted, or prevented by the institutions of society.  BLM seems willing to showcase their views as morally acceptable and obligatory. BLM seems to advocate for a form of mob-rule, black “freedom and liberation” as a prerequisite to the same for others.

2.    BLM has a leftist leaning. While BLM does speak to equal opportunity, such as its case for LGBTQ persons and working mothers, it also specifically excludes others, such as non-black persons and males holds authority positions. Therefore, it seems reasonable that BLM will be more interested obtaining outcomes that, in their view, represent equality.

3.    BLM has an outcome focused leaning. BLM has stated that they are exclusively committed to acknowledging, respecting and celebrating black persons and black women; and, at the same time, to denying, disrespecting and lamenting male authority figures.

4.    BLM has a progressive political leaning. BLM seems to believe that correcting the outlook of black persons requires the correction of society at large first. As a whole, BLM advocates that society at large is the illicit beneficiary of anti-black racism because anti-black racism (white supremacy) exists.

5.    BLM has a regressive political leaning. BLM is committed to reducing societal norms relating to black persons, black women, black LGBTQ persons, males in authority roles, and non-black persons in general. BLM does use politically correct language (ex: black privilege, space spaces) suggesting BLM is more interested in feelings than facts, is prone to unjustified self-esteem and hypersensitivity. It is likely that BLM is easily agitated by dissenting views. – As a way of illustrating the BLM state of mind: Non-black persons have social privilege because they are non-black; therefore, it is legitimate for BLM, on behalf of black persons, to oppose/dislike/loathe non-black persons. Now, BLM can say or do anything that may or does result in a harm, loss, or tort because non-black privilege brought about black oppression. Meaning, non-black persons are inherently evil and bad; whereas, BLM (and the black persons it claims to represent) is inherently graceful and good.

Guiding Principles

The Preamble by BLM
“Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. It is an affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.” [4]
·         BLM claims to affirm the contributions of black persons to a society that systemically and intentionally targets black persons for demise.
o   Given the construction of the paragraph, and that it was presented on the web page as a stand-alone summary statement, one must conclude that BLM affirms Black contributions to “this society,” “a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.”
o   Analysis of federal census data suggests an argument in opposition to the claim.[5]
·         BLM claims to affirm the contributions of black persons to black humanity. Given the construction of the paragraph, the relationship to black persons is inferred.
o   Affirmation: confirmation, verification, support, upholding, encouragement
o   Humanity: humankind, people, mortality, civilization
·         BLM claims to affirm the contributions of black persons to black resilience in spite of deadly oppression. Given the construction of the paragraph, the relationship to black persons is inferred.
o   Resilience: flexibility, hardiness, strength, resistance

BLM Guiding Principle-1
“Unapologetically Black: We are unapologetically Black in our positioning. In affirming that Black Lives Matter, we need not qualify our position. To love and desire freedom and justice for ourselves is a necessary prerequisite for wanting the same for others.” [6]
·         BLM is a racist movement.
·         It’s been stablished that BLM claims to be a progressive political movement for the exclusive benefit of black persons. Therefore, invoking BLM does qualify their position by direct association with prior statements.
·         BLM is advocating establishment of black “freedom and justice” prior to the same for others. – Placing black persons above non-black persons is racism by definition.

BLM Guiding Principle-2
“Black Families: We are committed to making our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We are committed to dismantling the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” that require them to mother in private even as they participate in justice work.” [7]
·         BLM is a racist movement.
·         BLM is a sexist movement. BLM lifts specific women up at the direct expense of men in general.

BLM Guiding Principle-3
“Black Women: We are committed to building a Black women affirming space free from sexism, misogyny, and malecenteredness.” [8]
·         BLM is a racist movement.
·         BLM is a sexist movement. It is not possible to have a female exclusive space free from sexism. 

BLM Guiding Principle-4
“Black Villages: We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, and especially “our” children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable.” [9]
·         BLM is a racist movement.
·         BLM advocates the belief that the black nuclear family is disruptive to the comfort of mothers, parents, and children. However, FBI crime statistics suggests an argument in opposition to the claim.
o   Poverty: In 2014, 22.9% of Black families lived in poverty, and 78% of black single mother families lived in poverty. [10]
o   Health: In 2011, blacks carried 50.3% of all HIV positive cases (females with HIV were measured at 2.4X greater than males). [11]
o   Education: Black drop-out rates for low-income high schools is 40-50%. Less than 50% of blacks graduate from university with a degree within 6 years of enrolling.[12]
o   Crime: In 2008, 60.2% of the national jail population was black. In 2007, 43% of murder victims were black with 93% of that number killed by other blacks.[13] In 2013, the percentage of crimes perpetrated by black persons was as follows: 38% assaults, 52% homicides, 48% kidnappings, 32% burglary, 32% vandalism, 32% vehicle theft, 72% robbery, 58% gambling, 33% prostitution, and 43% weapons. [14] 

BLM Guiding Principle-5
“Diversity: We are committed to acknowledging, respecting and celebrating difference(s) and commonalities.” [15]
·         As established before, BLM is a racist movement. Therefore, it is reasonable to infer that this statement is exclusively reserved for other blacks.
·         As established before, BLM is a sexist movement. Therefore, it is reasonable to infer that this statement is exclusively reserved for black women.

BLM Guiding Principle-6
“Globalism: We see ourselves as part of the global Black family and we are aware of the different ways we are impacted or privileged as Black folk who exist in different parts of the world.” [16]
·         BLM is a racist movement.
·         BLM is illogical. The presumption that something could be true does not mean that that something is true.

BLM Guiding Principle-7
“Loving Engagement: We are committed to embodying and practicing justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.” [17]
·         BLM is a racist movement. BLM advocates (exemplifies and performing) black justice, black liberation, and black peace unto BLM standards.

BLM Guiding Principle-8
“Restorative Justice: We are committed to collectively, lovingly and courageously working vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension all people. As we forge our path, we intentionally build and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting.” [18]
·         BLM is a racist movement. BLM advocates for restoring black freedom and black justice.
·         BLM is a separatist social-political movement. 

BLM Guiding Principle-9
“Collective Value: We are guided by the fact all Black lives, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status or location.” [19]
·         BLM is a racist movement.
·         Because this is not a complete statement, further estimation could not be performed. 

BLM Guiding Principle-10
“Empathy: We are committed to practicing empathy; we engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.” [20]
·         BLM is a racist movement.
·         BLM is a sexist movement.
·         BLM is disingenuous. BLM has stated that they are exclusively committed to acknowledging, respecting and celebrating black persons and black women; and, at the same time, to denying, disrespecting and lamenting male authority figures.

BLM Guiding Principle-11
“Queer Affirming: We are committed to fostering a queeraffirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking or, rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual unless s/he or they disclose otherwise.” [21]
·         BLM is a homosexual-phobic organization.
·         BLM advocates for the normalization of gender dysphoria.
BLM Guiding Principle-12
“Transgender Affirming: We are committed to embracing and making space for trans brothers and sisters to participate and lead. We are committed to being self-reflexive and doing the work required to dismantle cis-gender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.” [22]
·         BLM is a racist movement.
·         BLM is a sexist movement.
·         BLM is a homosexual-phobic (anti-homosexual) organization.

BLM Guiding Principle-13
“Intergenerational: We are committed to fostering an intergenerational and communal network free from ageism. We believe that all people, regardless of age, shows up with capacity to lead and learn.” [23]
·         BLM is disingenuous. BLM has stated that they are exclusively committed to acknowledging, respecting and celebrating black persons and black women; and, at the same time, to denying, disrespecting and lamenting male authority figures.

 Your View
Your thoughts and perspectives are important. I invite you to tell me what you believe with the comment section below or at Please check out The Sam Frescoe Project on Facebook.

 Thank you. – Sam Frescoe

© 2016 – – All Rights Reserved


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Critical Terms
·         Race: (n) an arbitrary classification of modern humans, sometimes, especially formerly, based on any or a combination of various physical characteristics, as skin color, facial form, or eye shape, and now frequently based on such genetic markers as blood groups.[24]
·         Racist: (n) a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.[25]
·         Racism: (n) a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. – (n) a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination. – (n) hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.[26]

[2] Barbara Reynolds, I was a civil rights activist in the 1960s. But it’s hard for me to get behind Black Lives Matter. (accessed 160711) ; August 24, 2015
[3] Sowell, Thomas. “The Demagogue’s War on Cops, the war on cops and racial strife are exacerbated by race hustlers and the media.” 12 July 2016. National Review Online
[14] (FBI, National Incident-Based Reporting System)  (accessed 160718)